
Neural Networks

Contains colvolutional and artificial neural networks (CNN and ANN, respectively) created for research, coursework, and practice. These include:

Discount Cash Flow Model with Web Scraping from Yahoo Finance

This repository contains a Monte Carlo discounted cash flow model (DCFM) to estimate fair market value of a security. The code also has a web scraper to retreive financial statement data from Yahoo Finance. The DCFM also will output a distribution of prices that are deemed fair based on the model and the current risk free rate of return. Click here to view this repository.

Bankloan Default Classifier

A Repository of a random forest and gradient boosted decision trees to predict whether a customer at a bank taking out a loan will default on the loan or not. Click here to see this repository.

House Price Predictions_Excel_MLS data

Contains an Excel file with data gathered from the MLS database of home and condo lease and purchase prices in Toronto. This file looks at price increases with different number of features. A pivot table was created and the data was plotted then fit using a linear function and a second order polynomial function.

Shipping and order queries

Contains an SQL file created in w3schools.com SQL database of shipping and order information. The queries were simple joins and group by commands to access different database information.